1. What is SEO?
2. What Google PR as shown in the Google Toolbar?
3. What is the analysis of keywords and how you analyze your targeted keywords.
4. What kinds of back links are considered the most powerful?
5. What is Google sandbox?
6. What are the factors ranking in Google, Yahoo and MSN?
7. What is the index of additional Google.
8. What do you know about buying links and how Google treats link buying.
9. What is the difference between indexed and non-indexed pages?
10. What do you know about the page segmentation?
11. What is keyword density?
12. What is the difference between on-page and off-page optimization.
13. What is Latent Semantic Analysis (LSI Indexing)?
14. Is based on the Framework website recommended for SEO?
15. What are the general factors that can penalize a website from Google?
16. Where do you think the SEO industry is headed?
17. What is indexing spam?
18. What are your thoughts on the direction of Web 2.0 technologies with regards to SEO?
19. What SEO tools do you regularly use?
20. Do you have experience in PPC and how do you manage PPC campaigns.
21. What SEO areas you are weak and strong, and give examples of both?
22. Google, how do you find back links to a web page?
23. What strategies do you normally backlinks? What do you think of buying links, link bait, and other specific backlink strategies.
24. What disadvantes SEO?
25. What do you know about podcasts, blogs and RSS?
26. What do you know about XML sitemap and how do you generate.
27. What areas do you think are currently the most important in the organic rankings of a site?
28. What is the difference between a direct and indirect link?
29. What is the recommended length (in characters) of the title and description tags?
30. What do you mean by SERPs?
31. What do you mean by keyword proximity?
33. What do you mean by cloaking?
34. What are the different ways of link building?
35. How to optimize the dynamic web pages?
36. What is mod_rewrite?
37. How you can identify SEO as country wise?
38. What phrase-based indexing and search, and what roles do that?
39. What is Alexa rank?
40. What is SEO, SEM and how are they important to an organization? Explain.
41. Could you briefly explain the PageRank algorithm?
42. What Google spamdexing?
43. Explain several steps you would take to optimize a website?
44. What is the importance of the website should be W3C compliant?
45. How and what MSN, Yahoo and Google Search looks for in a website?
46. Set all the different ways to do marketing for a website? (PPC ads, backlinks, etc.)
47. What is organic search?
48. What are some popular sites and how do you think they become popular?
49. Why Google ranks Wikipedia for most subjects?
50. Do you know the signals, classifiers and news?
51. How does a search engine and what is the future?
52. Can you get business "abc" listed for the keyword "Google" in the first page?
53. What is a search engine?
54. Why important search engines?
55. What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
56. Why do I consider SEO for my website?
57. How search engines rank sites?
58. I need to be number one on the search engine to get results?
59. Is SEO simply means "to submit your site to search engines?
60. What is the difference between a search engine and a directory?
61. Should I change my website?
62. What happens if I do not optimize my website?
63. What is HTML?
64. What is a meta tag?
65. What is a title?
66. What is a keyword?
67. What is a description?
68. What is "relevant content of the body"?
69. What is the submission process actually do?
70. When my submissions appear on the engines?
71. What is the difference between submission and placement and placement list when paid will be my first page on search engines?
72. What is a search engine and how does it work?
73. What is an algorithm?
74. What is PPC (Pay Per Click)?
75. What is a spider?
76. What is Link Popularity?
77. What is Search Engine Positioning (SEP)?
78. What Traffic?
79. What is Inktomi?
80. What is spam?
81. Summarize the steps in search engine optimization
82. Do you know about the dynamic optimization?
83. Optimization of dynamic pages, shopping cart pages, etc.
84. Have you done any type of paid submission?
85. What is the cost paid yahoo directory submission?
86. What is the cost of paid directory submission?
87. How much is your ppc experience?
88. Currently, the number of accounts that you manage?
89. How can you increase the CTR for any ppc registration?
90. How can you increase the converted on the ppc campaign?
91. What is the maximum character limit of google as the campaign?