Every webpage must have a link to its related webpages of the same site or in the same site.
Ideally there should be 5 links at the bottom of the webpage content, with the headink as "Also read" or "Also like".
If possible see that "anchor text" of the internal links to the website has the keywords that you are targeting to get the top rank.
Broken Link
If any webpage of your website does not have navigation or link to any other webpage of your website, then this condition is called as broken link and it is a big drawback of SEO.A website can never ever rank on the top with a broken link so, must avoid the broken link.
To avoid broken link and interconnect the related inner webpages within your website, then go to the website as:
get the code and then paste it just before the closing(</body>) body tag of your website's html page.
Point to be noted:
For the blogger websites just click on "install the widget" & you are done.